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More on the Moor

March 12, 2010

While wandering around Google and looking up some interesting/relevant things to upload onto here, I actually came across one that was particularly interesting.

This article basically supplies an analysis of the entire novel, from the Elephant Man (which I’ve already talked about during class) to the suffixes added on by the Indian language (which we never did talk about in class, and I was rather curious about).  What initially caught my attention was the fact that this article incorporates a bit of The Satanic Verses and Haroun and the Sea of Stories, both of which we read in class.  The other thing I actually thought was interesting was how the author divides down exactly what happened to Moor in the novel, “Moraes is caught and finally destroyed in the fight between the two women in his life, his mother Aurora and his lover Uma”.  It always comes down to the women being the downfall of the man, isn’t it?  I found this article interesting enough because it not only hits on many of the things that we talked about in class, pertaining exclusively to the book, but also other things that we did not have time to hit on in class as well.

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